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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

If any of these things happens to your child: in the morning he dosen't want to have breakfast, he would cut off a finger before eating fish, vegetables are his biggest enemy, he just wants pastries… this book is for you. Més enllà dels macarrons. Com aconseguir que els teus fills mengin sa, by Ada Parellada, explains what children need to eat to grow up healthy and what you can do for them to have fun during meals. The book brings many recipes, a table with age-appropriate rankings and a test to assess dietary habits.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

A warning: the book you have in your hands is not just one more title on motherhood. A “Per què parir”, and from her experience as a mother, journalist Anna Grau reflects on the pros and cons of the most difficult choice a woman can take today: being a mother. It's worth it to do? Have we studied what you and I win, people and women? Find all the answers in this essential book for all women from the whole world.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

In “L'Engany” writer and journalist Vicenç Villatoro explains that the second triparty has been a sham and how it will bury the Catalan national claim, as will lead to a false Catalan political map reduced to a confrontation between right and left, like Catalonia will be more than ever an autonomous region where the Generalitat will be a deputation of low politics, and especially after a deliberate deception to the electorate … As Vicenç Villatoro says: “There has been political attitudes that seem politically and morally reprehensible. The three parties had the right to tripartite, but someone has deceived the electorate to get better results. The problem is not the sum. The problem is the deception. “


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Nowadays, things have changed… a lot! That is why more and more boys and girls are on their own at lunch or dinner time, with no parents, no grandparents, no babysitters… And, when it is time for lunch or dinner… what happens if nobody has left them any food ready in the fridge? This book tries to challenge our children to put an apron on and prepare their own meals and, if they dare, meals for other family members. This is a useful, fun manual, full of delicious, easy, healthy recipes that will introduce or enhance the attraction of cooking and food for young people. It also offers boys and girls the necessary tools to learn how to cook without adults’ help.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

This book brings together the best dishes that the famous Catalan cooker Ada Parellada considers essential at Catalan mealtimes. A good escudella soup, a delicious veal-based fricandó stew or some crema catalana custard desserts must be part of our diet and so Ada gives us their recipes. For gourmets, she recommends the best restaurant for eating these meals. If you love good Catalan cuisine, this is your book.

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