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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

How many times have you heard that someone has been told that the best time in their life was when they were in their 30s? The truth is that it is a time full of happenings and, consequently, you should live it up. The foundations you lay now will allow you to sketch your own destiny. In this book, you will find ideas you will have certainly not thought of before. It is a modern guide for today’s women. A cue to strenghthen your personality. A window you can look out from. An ever-lasting torchlight. A source of ideas. A conversation with yourself. An invitation to think, discover, play, dare, share. If you are confident, you willsee the world as being you. If you change, you will see the world change. This book offers 25 reason for you to be happy.  


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Every year, thousands of people undergo torment of a diet without having real weight problems and with no need to make any sacrifice. It seems that everything is allowed to get the obligatory thinness and the perfect silhouette, even the maddest nutritional pattern. It is hard to get over this obsession but it is possible to modify the way to lose weight. The diet is not the only way. There are a range of gestures and daily actions than can be easily changed and thus gain a balanced eating habit and less fat. If you are a person with an acceptable weight but you would like to reduce it, pass over diets and learn how to cook, eat, plan the menus and go shopping in an intelligent way. Without unnecessary restrictions or secondary effects. Having the proper information is the best method to be in shape without losing either the health or the sense of humour.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Romantic dinners, gastronomic dinners, economical dinners, funny dinners, group dinners, healthy dinners, tapas dinners, dinners with show. Dinners and more dinners in one of the best cities in Europe, without going broke and selected with a vital and young criterion. Maybe they are not the best, but they do are 100 great restaurants with their own merits which are worth visiting. For all kinds of taste and always close to groovy zones of the city. This is a guide for the lovers of Barcelona and nightlife.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

After the success of Cena conmigo esta noche, it was inevitable to keep on visiting restaurants. The couple on the cover has grown up, has more budget and more needs. Now it is not only about restaurants for night owls, but places for day and night, to organize job lunches, to celebrate familiar feasts or simply to enjoy the best food and service of the city. In this book the visits to these restaurants include famous interesting companions such as Baltasar Porcel, Julia Otero, Pichi Alonso, Mercedes Salisachs o Araceli Segarra, fantastic guests who share table with the author in the best restaurants of Barcelona. An indispensable text for those who like eating well, enjoying a different type of guide and spend time with current popular characters.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Autobiographical writing provides data about ourselves and multiple options for writing a novel. Nothing is richer for a writer than life. You try to write your own life following a fact that hurts you or pleases you, leaves you a painful or wonderful mark. You need to know how to tell it, discard modesty and find strategies to exploit and manipulate the peculiar moments. Are there special ways of writing your own life? Are there specific strategies for working as a support and the autobiographical novel food? This book examines from multiple theoretical and practical approaches this kind of writing.

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