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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Thursday 22 September 2022

La astrología es tu mejor aliada para descubrir los miedos inconscientes que bloquean tus relaciones y conseguir el amor que mereces.

Identifica tus patrones lunares, sánalos y abre las puertas al buen amor.

¿Te has preguntado por qué algunas personas encuentran pareja enseguida y otras no lo consiguen ni a tiros? Hay quien lo achaca a la mala suerte, pero la realidad es que muchos de nosotros vamos cargados de miedos inconscientes que nos bloquean y hacen que repitamos patrones hasta la saciedad y topemos siempre con el mismo tipo de personas.

En astrología, la posición de la luna en nuestra carta natal, nos ayuda a entender cómo nos relacionamos, desvela las heridas infantiles que arrastramos y cómo vivimos el primer amor: el de la madre (o persona equivalente), modelo que repetiremos en todos nuestros vínculos.

Existen doce posibles patrones lunares, doce miedos inconscientes que definen como nos relacionamos. Tomar consciencia de ellos, y también de los planetas con los que interactúan, es imprescindible para, si nos conviene, cambiarlos y acceder a buenas relaciones, en las que nadie sane a nadie, sino que ambos miembros de la pareja formen un equipo.


Author: Bruno Wednesday 21 September 2022

Héctor García (Kirai) and Francesc Miralles, two brilliant communicators and promoters of the Ikigai phenomenon in our country, turn their eyes to India, that cradle that welcomes the whole world and also marks the future, to explore the culture, philosophy and practice of happiness from its spirituality.

With a fresh style that has conquered readers, they explore the basic concepts of this powerful tradition and reflect them in practical suggestions that will bring inspiration, beauty and peace to our daily lives. Among constant winks to the universe of the western reader, we can experience the healing power of the mantra OM, practice detachment to overcome the ego, adjust the karma to cause wonderful changes in one’s life, enhance health with ayurveda, reduce stress and anxiety through head massage champissage, experience sacred encounters through tantra …

A book full of surprises, which provides a bright path from which to meet the individual and collective challenges posed by this troubled world.



Author: Sandra Bruna Friday 13 May 2022

August 2021. The Afghan storyteller and activist Nadia Ghulam, seeing that the Talibans are advancing in Afghanistan, begins to move to help her family.

These pages were born after conversations between Nadia and journalist Ariadna Oltra, where they talked about how she and her family have lived this last year, what she had to do to get part of her family to come to Spain and those who are living in Kabul, those who have not been able to leave. The story of a few and yet, the reality of thousands of Afghan families and others from different parts of the world.

That August, the media bombarded us with images of men falling from planes as they desperately tried to flee the occupation. Months later, no one is telling us what is happening there, nor how the people who were able to flee and those who have been sheltered in different parts of the world are doing now.

Nadia’s voice is the voice of all of them. This Afghan girl who pretended to be a boy for ten years in order to have the rights that she was denied as a woman, has been living in Barcelona since she was 16 years old. Her own objective and the one of these pages is to help the women of her country so that they can continue with their studies.


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 27 April 2022

Get ready to receive wonderful blessings and attract miracles into your life.

Can you imagine if you could connect to the wifi of the Universe and ask for anything you want? What would you ask for if you knew that your greatest wishes would be granted? Many people believe that prosperity is mostly about material wealth. In this book full of magic and wisdom we will learn that true prosperity is a spiritual quality within the reach of any person and that it extends to all areas of life, not just external wealth.

Through seven keys, carefully unraveled by the author, and a series of very useful and powerful practical exercises, we will learn how to raise our vibration, remove all the obstacles that stand in our way and become the truly prosperous and happy people we are meant to be.


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 20 April 2022

A novel about the anonymous heroines who fought in Girona during the Napoleonic siege.

The novel is based on the Treaty of Fontainebleau, in which Spain and France agreed that they would unite to conquer together Portugal and, once achieved, they divided it up. But to think that Napoleon would pass through the peninsula without trying to conquer it was naive. The city of the four rivers was the victim of a great tragedy that caused thousands of deaths and the destruction of a large part of the city. The novel speaks of the unknown but decisive role that the women played in the defense and recovery of the city, and how they organized themselves heroically in what was called “The Barbarians”, very recognizable because they wore a red ribbon tied on their arm, as red as blood, and because, fiercely, they fought nonstop to defend their home.



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