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castellano: Debolsillo


Genre: Self-help and coaching
Topic: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 206

Every year, thousands of people undergo torment of a diet without having real weight problems and with no need to make any sacrifice. It seems that everything is allowed to get the obligatory thinness and the perfect silhouette, even the maddest nutritional pattern. It is hard to get over this obsession but it is possible to modify the way to lose weight. The diet is not the only way. There are a range of gestures and daily actions than can be easily changed and thus gain a balanced eating habit and less fat. If you are a person with an acceptable weight but you would like to reduce it, pass over diets and learn how to cook, eat, plan the menus and go shopping in an intelligent way. Without unnecessary restrictions or secondary effects. Having the proper information is the best method to be in shape without losing either the health or the sense of humour.

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