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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Wednesday 30 November 2022

«Life is what happens here and now».

A full book of reflections and Anne’s learnings Igartiburu for every day of #the any.viure is not a static thing. The life destroys and constructs with each breath, with each tictac, with each commence the day and each small gesture. Therefore, this book is an ideal partner at the quest of existing. Inside it, you’ll find 366 reflections that invite you at conscious being of who want to being at each moment, at being more near you same and at living more intensely the present. Anne Igartiburu, communicator for more of two decades, is one of the most loved television presenters of our country. During the last years she has exerted an impressive labor of divulging at the field of the emotional wellbeing, one of her big passions at which she has formed with some of the best professionals of distinct areas. Her meetings with experts at psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience or philosophy at his distinct canals of diffusion and at his Podcast My Beat of More have awarded him big recognition. At this book wants to share some of his more esteemed learnings fruit of this work.


Author: Bruno Thursday 17 November 2022

Do you imagine how your life would be without anxiety?

This book is a powerful tool to leave it behind. If you are trapped because of her and you venture to navigate between these pages you will discover why you still feel like this and how, using simple techniques, both from physics and mental, you will successfully overcome it.

Through very personal anecdotes, Ferran Cases explains his experience with anxiety I how he managed to overcome it after more than fifteen years of suffering. Sara Téller, physicist and neuroscience doctor, explains what was going on in Ferran’s head every time he had a crisis and invites you to learn the secrets of the brain so you can forget anxiety forever. This practical manual shows things how they are or how science says at they are right now and invites you to go further. To understand how the brain works is a superpower: to comprehend how you work; and that is the first big step to defeat anxiety.

Maybe something so simple like reading this book, and apply what it says, allows you to overcome what has been from undermining you from the insides, what does not let you enjoy.


Author: Bruno Tuesday 8 November 2022

If the Moon affects tides, the climate shapes the traits of character and the seasons are linked to different moods… how do the stars affect our lives?

Astrology is a discipline with more than 4,000 years of known history that investigates the influence of the cosmos on us. We are all born with an astral letter, a map that can be read as a powerful tool that allows us to explore who we are, and also the cycle we are going through. In these pages, Roberto L. Saula offers you the basic tools to be able to read your own astral letter and find in astrology your life guidance guide.


Author: Bruno Tuesday 8 November 2022

Si la Luna condiciona las mareas, el clima moldea los rasgos del carácter y las estaciones se vinculan con diferentes estados de ánimo… ¿de qué manera los astros afectan a nuestra vida? 

La astrología es una disciplina con más de 4.000 años de historia conocida que investiga la influencia del cosmos sobre nosotros. Todos nacemos con una carta astral, un mapa que se puede leer como una poderosa herramienta que nos permite explorar quiénes somos, y también el ciclo que atravesamos. En estas páginas, Roberto L. Saula te ofrece las herramientas básicas para poder realizar la lectura de tu propia carta astral y encontrar en la astrología tu guía de orientación vital.


Author: Bruno Monday 7 November 2022

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado de dónde han salido todas las cosas que nos rodean? ¡En este libro encontrarás las respuestas!

¿Desde cuándo existe el dinero? Si los fuegos artificiales se inventaron por casualidad, ¿que buscaban sus creadores en realidad? ¿Cómo funcionan las vacunas? ¿Desde cuándo usamos la energía electrica en casa y por que podemos iluminarnos con ella? Viaja a traves de las principales epocas de la historia y descubre las respuestas a todas las preguntas que siempre te has hecho acerca de los grandes inventos que han cambiado el destino de la humanidad. ¿Quien lo inventó? ¿Cómo? ¿Y por que?

Con montones de datos sorprendentes e historias divertidas, este es el libro perfecto para los más curiosos de la casa y los amantes de la historia (¡y tambien para los que todavía no saben que lo son!).

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