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Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 20 April 2022

«Just from loving yourself is posible to really heal.»

In this book I am going to tell you my story. That one that includes the eating disorders I suffered, the bullying, the fatphobia, the low self-esteem and the constant feeling that my world was sinking. But above all I am going to tell you how I got out of it, that other part of the story where we talk about healing and finding light in the darkness. I am here to explain how I went from hating myself to loving myself without measure, how accepting myself was the first step towards my freedom.

Let’s love each other and take off, are you coming with me?


Author: Sandra Bruna Monday 11 April 2022

The secrets to a meaningful life.

Banish the cliché that life is not enjoyable in solitude. This book invites you to take control of your destiny without making it depend on anything other than your decisions and choices. The key is solosophy, the art of feeling fulfilled in solitude. Celebrate the choice of owning your time and your space!

Live in connection with your essence, in line with your principles and values, your needs and your feelings, respecting and caring for yourself with kindness and affection. To develop the art of solosophy you must learn to live in the present, and to do so with all five senses. Nika Vázquez accompanies you in this process in which you will learn that being alone is not the same as feeling alone, on the contrary: it can be the key to happiness.



Author: Sandra Bruna Tuesday 22 March 2022

Get ready to receive wonderful blessings and attract miracles into your life.


Can you imagine if you could connect to the wifi of the Universe and ask it for everything you want? What would you ask for if you knew that your greatest desires would be granted? Many people believe that prosperity is mostly about material wealth. In this book full of magic and wisdom we will learn that true prosperity is a spiritual quality within the reach of any person and that it extends to all areas of life, not just external wealth.

Through seven keys, carefully unraveled by the author, and a series of very useful and powerful practical exercises, we will learn to raise our vibration, to eliminate all the obstacles that stand in our way and to become the truly prosperous and happy people we are called to be.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 17 February 2022

Did you know that the 30% of the population is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Learn keys and tricks so that this personality trait becomes a superpower.

You have great sense of smell and hear the most minimal noise? Do you feel overwhelmed in places where there are a lot of people? Do you observe subtleties than go unnoticed by most people? Do the labels in the clothes annoy you?

If you have said yes, it is possible that you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): your neurological wiring is different, you receive more information than the others through your senses, and many times this avalanche of stimulus flood you. When you understand how you HSP machinery works, you will discover that high sensitivity can be very useful if you know how to use it.

This book shows you how to take advantage of your sensitive and creative nature, discovering your potential and shine, and build a life full according to your personality.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 17 February 2022

Nowadays happiness is a main topic in all the conversation. However, there still are reticence when it comes to talking seriously about the topic of laugh and live. It is as if the important things should be done in a condescending way and the vital topics treated with the maximum rigour and seriousness. Well, no. This book is dedicated to those who one day kept their natural joy in a safe place, and they can not find the key. That joy still exists, just because of being alive, and it deserves to get to the surface and fill the world with love. Sounds corny? May be. But I promise you that there is no antidote more potent, against any threat, that the force of love.

Which place does humour sense hold in your life? And laughter? And the smiles? Inma Rabasco, in Laugh and live, she shows you how to put these three pillars of joy in the highest podium in your life.

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