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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

What should we do to win the children attention? Which stories are better for each age? How can a child learn from a story? “Grandparents storytellers” gives an answer to this and other questions. This book tries to show how grandparents can pass their knowledge and experience to their grandchildren through words; develops the function of storyteller that grandparents have also had in all cultures and times; shows how this function leads to enduring experiences: allows to imagine, think, dialogue, know oneself better, amuse oneself… This book also shows an anthology of universal short stories from different traditions and cultures. Each story has an age related to and an explanation of the points that grandparents could stand out and begin a conversation with grandchildren after having told the story.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Writing a novel is telling a story. Everyone has a story to tell. We have to sustain it, to enrich it and find a final so we can win over the reader. What we have to do is to give form to a succession of events and create a particular and likely universe. Writing a novel is an adventure as well as a joyful experience. After writing a novel, we are not the same as we were.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

With the brilliant combination of an easy and lateral thinking, the philosophy of Zen can improve greatly the workings of a company and, in particular, the interpersonal relationships that take place within it. In companies, difficulties and decisions come up daily and these demand a degree of common sense grounded in reality. Equally, the systems developed by workers promote unidirectionality, a slow and heavy inertia that excludes valuable alternatives for optimising the running of the company. Zen is especially effective when breaking rigid points of view -however comfortable they are- and logical statements that sometimes hide idleness or the fear of something new.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Is there a formula that transforms our children into model adolescents? How can we instil strong moral values? Where are the limits? What should we do in an emergency?

This manual offers answers to these and other questions which parents ask themselves when their children enter the adolescent stage. The aim of this book is to turn education into an adventure full of love, breakthroughs and fulfilment.

Montserrat Domènech and Dr. Eduard Estivill suggest practical solutions to puberty conflicts based on affection, mutual understanding and common sense, basic ingredients for a healthy relationship with our children.

Some of the themes included are: common problems between parents and children; school, friendships and sexual initiation; adolescents’ most common disorders; self-evaluation tests to detect problems; and several examples and case studies.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

The myth that your other half is somewhere out there and that you have to find him with the help of luck, is just that, a myth. Our other halves are multiplied by the number of phases we go through in our lives. Family and cultural conditions that determine the type of man, or the type we think is ideal in the flush of youth, should not determine our decision. At the base of all human relations is the eternal motto: “Know Yourself”. That is where this book steps in to help us, inviting us to reflect about ourselves and the different “models of man”. From here on we have to start taking risks using both the heart and the head. However, we must never forget that “US” is made up of “YOU” and “ME”, two defined individuals who must complement each other without giving up their own selves.

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