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Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Losing one’s mind means to walk the line between sanity and insanity. It is to become a stranger to oneself. To migrate, to change the country entails being a stranger in a land that has yet to be transformed into a new home. Límites y Fronteras is a novel that tries to inquire the nature of the stranger. Ismaïl, his protagonist, suffers a psychotic crisis which requires an admission in a psychiatry clinic. There he will find out that his craziness is a life’s chance to recognize himself and integrate all his belongings and dreams into one unique identity.


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 29 October 2014

When old and grumpy Mencía and her daughter Lia travel from Menorca to Copenhagen to celebrate Christmas with Ines, Bea and little Gala, little can they imagine these four generations of women of the same family that ahead of them are forty eight unforgettable hours of unveiled secrets, healing truths, overcome tragedies, laughs and tears. Forty eight unforgettable hours livened up with Mencía’s untiring sense of humour, the coming to scene of Morris (the Chinese secret boyfriend of Bea, who will have to win Mencía’s most unlikely approval), and the announcement of some surprising news that will represent a new unexpected future for all of them.

El tiempo que nos une is the story of five brave women who, between comedy and drama, take the most of life and share it.



Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

On that afternoon of June, when Clea Ross and Otto Stephens arrived at the retirement home of Buenavista, nobody could presume that they were carrying more than the weight of their age on their backs. Neither Clea or Otto, nor even Ilona, the young keeper who was taking care of them by their express request, managed to conceive what would bring to their life the next three months.

Three months and three souls yearning for affection. A cello and two old adventurers, Clea and Otto, rebelling like two kids against boredom, aiming risk, life and truth. A mystery and a young woman, Ilona, who is scared and doubtful because does not know if she will be able to bear all the pain that her secret may produce. El alma del mundo is a novel about the second chances. It is a great love story and also a great story about love: love for music and for life.


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 29 October 2014

In the Barcelona of the 30’s, a family hides a terrible secret.

Habitaciones cerradas is a journey to the heart of a bourgeois family in the Modernist Barcelona, from the turn of the nineteenth century until the gates of the Civil War. History and human relationships interlace in this rich and multifaceted novel which describes the stories of three different generations along with the social and political transformations that shook those decades.

This book weaves two moments of time, past and present, shaping an intriguing dialogue that will reveal gradually, following the cunning pace created by the author’s craft, astonishing secrets hidden during all these years until now.

We are in front of an engaging, plot-driven novel which has captivated readers in fourteen languages.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

A weekday morning in London. Maria flies in from Barcelona to choose a UK base for the Caves Gratallops cava business. The lover she will bring home will be the last person her Catholic family expects. Or her fiancé, Jordi Gratallops. A long-standing member of Opus Dei, he too finds himself in a crisis of loyalties when old enemies put his father's business in jeopardy. Both have secrets they will struggle to explain, and time is running out. Moving between the long shadows of the Spanish Civil War and the business battles of a global economy, “The Olive Groves of Belchite” is Elena Moya Pereira s tale of how the past haunts our lives and of the battles that have just begun when the fighting is over. The Olive Groves of Belchite is a layered, well-paced novel fusing times and themes within the framework of a love story with a difference.

Originally written in English.

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