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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Monday 13 March 2023

Virginia Gibert, a prosecutor in an examining magistrate’s court, feels that, at the age of thirty-something, life is slipping through her fingers. She has a job she is passionate about, a model husband, Diego… And no desire to be a mother, although she has not dared to tell him that. It’s not that they are in crisis, but she suspects that there must be something else in life.

After a night shift, when she gets home, she discovers Diego in bed with Fernando, their best friend. They are half-naked and appear to be asleep, but her husband is dead.

The judge on duty in charge of the investigation of the case is Mario Laredo, who was Virginia’s first boyfriend and who has returned to her life with the clear intention of recovering what they had.

A dead husband, a close friend as the main suspect, an ex-boyfriend in charge of the investigation and a prosecutor with personal interests in the case. Cross suspicions, hidden desires and forbidden loves in a disturbing criminal investigation plot.


Author: Bruno Friday 13 January 2023

Rumours have it that Son Banya, the village where the drug is sold on the island of Mallorca, the Roma who run the clan have a painting that is worth a mortar. A bunch of collectors think if they steal it they’ll solve their pasta problems.

What the poor poor don’t know is that getting into a drug supermarket is dangerous when you play quinquis. Will they have the fate of the unconscious?

Years later, life seemingly quiet in the summer months of the Majorcan press is disturbed by the appearance of several corpses on the island infested with tourists. The day-to-day chronicle in one of Majorca’s newspapers will show this escalation of violence and the interests behind it.


Author: Bruno Thursday 6 October 2022

The novel about the 98 happiest and most unknown days of Federico García Lorca’s life in Golden Cuba in 1930.

Federico García Lorca’s 98 happiest and most unknown days in the Golden Cuba of 1930. But it took more than three months until the Andalusian poet decided to return to Spain, drunk from Caribbean music and beauty, soneros and santeros, terraces and palm trees, white rum, black sensuality and nights of Malecón.

What did the poet do in “the happiest days of my life”, as he defined his Cuban days? How did Cuba stain Federico’s work, person and fate? “If I lose myself — he warned his parents by letter — search for me in Cuba.” And he lost. To find himself? This novel explains it.


Author: Bruno Thursday 6 October 2022

La novela sobre los 98 días más felices y desconocidos de la vida de Federico García Lorca en la Cuba dorada de 1930.

Federico García Lorca desembarcó en Cuba procedente de Nueva York en marzo de 1930, invitado por una semana. Pero discurrieron más de tres meses hasta que el poeta andaluz decidió volver a España, embriagado de música y belleza caribeñas, soneros y santeros, terrazas y palmeras, ron blanco, sensualidad negra y noches de Malecón.

¿Qué hizo el poeta en «los días más felices de mi vida», como definió sus días cubanos? ¿Cómo Cuba tiñó la obra, la persona y el destino de Federico? «Si yo me pierdo —advirtió por carta a sus padres— que me busquen en Cuba.» Y se perdió. ¿Para encontrarse? Esta novela lo cuenta.


Author: Bruno Monday 19 September 2022

La nueva novela de Maria Barbal tras el reconocimiento internacional a Tándem.

«Recordar aquel verano es como volver la vista al paraíso antes de pasar una puerta que lo dejará atrás para siempre.»

Para Nora, una niña de doce años, ir los domingos al lago, un lugar muy hermoso y tranquilo de colores cambiantes, es una experiencia deliciosa. Excepto Quim, que tiene siete años, todos en el grupo que la acompaña son adultos. Cada uno de ellos alberga en su interior sus propios anhelos, y ella los observa y no siempre cree entenderlos, pero la última mañana en el lago, a raíz de un conflicto entre los mayores y de la osadía de Quim, Nora despertará repentinamente del sueño de la infancia.

La nueva obra de Maria Barbal después del reconocimiento internacional a Tándem es una novela de gran intensidad emocional sobre la nostalgia, la belleza, el paso del tiempo y el significado de la felicidad.

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