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Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Vicenç Villatoro investigates the causes that led his grandfather to leave Castro del Río, a “white and still” town in Cordova, at the age of 60, after a rough life as a leftist bourgeois councilman and textiles merchant without a business instinct, who was condemned to death by Franco’s supporters, and finally emigrated at almost the age his writer grandson is when he faces the enigmatic figure of grandfather Vicente. Un home que se'n va is a testimonial novel and a reconstruction of the past. After his grandfather died, Vicenç Villatoro travelled to Castro with his father to reconstruct together the great story of an immigrant — only one among the many who left their home town one day without knowing if they would ever return. From Vicenç to Vicente, and from Vicente to Vicenç, a journey to the origins and a projection of future.


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 29 October 2014

In a few hours it will be midnight. At last, after several failed attempts, now that she is 65, Amalia has succeded to have her dream fulfilled: the whole family has gathered to celebrate Christmas Eve. Una madre (A Mother) tells the story of a dinner, and of the seven attendants who are bound to share the beginning of a new life none of them are envisioning. With her sense of humor and determination, Amalia weaves around the table a net of invisible threads meant to unite and protect her three sons, her daughter in law and her brother. She mends the silences of ones, and channels the present and future of others. She knows, as everyone senses, that this is going to be a long night: full of secrets and lies, plenty of laughter and crossed fire, of confessions made by offspring who are late — though in time —, and words held for too long which will finally explode to enlighten the path that is left to run. She knows this it the time to take action, and she is not willing to let anything get on her way.

A neon sign shooting messages from a terrace next to the harbor; a chair where no one has seated for years; a son who, for Amalia, is life itself; a city of purple skies which conspires to bring back a light that seemed to be long gone… Una madre is not just the portrait of a woman who decided to take the hardest path at a certain time, even though she has been rewarded with the power to guard her children like she never expected she would need to; this is also an intimation of what the human race is capable of proving to itself when its best side comes to surface.

Here the booktrailer in French edition


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 29 October 2014

«–Será un placer fabricarle una chocolatera que haga honor a este linaje de mujeres que me acaba de decir. Y que la haga feliz también a usted, si puede ser. ¿De qué color le gustaría?

–Blanca. El blanco me serena.

–¿La quiere decorada?

–Mejor sin ornamentos.

–Ya veio que tiene las ideas muy claras. ¿Alguna cosa más? ¿Respecto al tamaño?

–Ni grande ni pequeña. Que quepan tres pocillos, que son los que tomo cada tarde para merendar.

–Nada más fácil. Será un placer servirla».

Desig de xocolata es la historia de tres mujeres unidas en el tiempo por su pasión por el chocolate.

Es un recorrido por la historia de este placer exquisito desde su llegada a Europa hasta la sofisticación de nuestros días.



Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

La Nora, una dona casada de quaranta anys que amaga un secret, coneix a Nacho, un jove biòleg en un avió, on serà infidel, per primera vegada, al seu marit. A partir d’aquesta trobada es crearà un joc de dependència i passió que Nora convertirà en quadres per a la seva propera exposició. “No hi ha res més enganyós que l’enamorament. I el d’algú que s’enamora per primera vegada als quaranta, encara més.” 

Haré todo lo que tú quieras és el viatge del despertar a l'amor, la sensualitat i la sexualitat d’una dona atrapada emocionalment per un matrimoni convencional. És una novel·la on la protagonista aprèn a fer el que ella vol i no el que volen els altres.


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 29 October 2014

Hèctor Amat is a troubled actor. After being an accidental witness in the murder of a young girl, he suffers an anxiety block. He can’t remember anything that happened. To alleviate his condition, and get his memory back, Hèctor turns to Eugènia Llort, the therapist who treated him after the crime. Their relationship is at first merely professional but, as time goes by, he becomes increasingly dependent. He is unable to perform unless she is present at the theater every night while he plays Dick Diver — the character in Tender is the Night. Like his own character — a psichologist who falls in love with a patient —, Hèctor will end up falling madly for his therapist.

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