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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 18 November 2021

I’m very excited to write this blog because it is about one of those books that brings positive energy. “You Will Love Yourself Above Anything Else” by Sonia Rico starts with a big question: how would your life be if instead of learning to fulfill the expectations of others, we had learned how to love ourselves above all else? Have you ever thought about it? Sometimes I would like to open the window and scream: I LOVE MYSELF!!!

Sonia has created a decalogue about self-esteem that transforms the 10 divine commandments in 10 commandments of happiness. Starting with “Love to yourself”, which is the philosophic bone of this book. Each commandment brings us discoveries and interesting challenges to get out of our comfort zone: “You will not deprive yourself of your dreams”, “You will not make promises to yourself in vain”, “You will not be hostage of your beliefs”.

A therapeutic and practical book so that your self-esteem, which is the motor of our lives, helps us to achieve being ok here and now, and being fine with others. A method of empowerment to gain health, confidence, motivation, creativity, and success in every area of your life. A short book that includes a QR with different meditation techniques and which maybe can be a guide for many of us, that looking at how the world moves forward, we are lost in a mare magnum of bad news that do not let us enjoy the path.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 11 November 2021

As time goes by, I notice more and more that THE POWER OF WORDS is one of the most important superpowers that we could have, but as any hero has this power in Marvel, it goes unnoticed, but I can assure you that it is a basic power in the society that we live in.

How and when you say things can change your day, change a moment or even a relationship. Nevertheless, when we are kids, they teach us how talk, to put a word after another, but no one teach us to communicate correctly what we want to say and that sometimes, it is not easy to explain. If they taught us this superpower when we are young, thing would be better and it is what Puri Heranández, writer and marvelous illustrator, has done in her book “Sofia and The Wild Word”.

Sofia starts the day in a bad mood and every hour that passes it gets worse. She has so much anger that when she gets home, the little Sofia lets a wild, dark, terrible word slip through her mouth, and it grows without control and destroys drawings, birthdays and hurts her best friends. How can this situation stop? In this beautiful story we will be able to see that even the wild words can be tamed with calm and measured words that will be able to redirect situations that seemed impossible to solve. 

An endearing story with beautiful illustrations that opens to us the door to the world of communication and language to be able to always use the right word at the right time. It is not easy, but it can be learned. Let’s start with this book. An amazing present for this Christmas.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 4 November 2021

The personal growth is in vogue nowadays. As an agent I have managed the rights of a lots of books of this topic that I have used a lot to improve my relationship with feelings, with the world, with myself and with the surroundings. For this reason, even if there are still people who considers personal growth are charlatan talks, that all they say are evidence, I must confess that for me it has been one of the most valuable tools to be able to keep going through life, that as it keeps going, it has ups and downs, and that everyone should know how to face, and most of the times to face them alone.

Almost everything about personal growth has been told: the mindfulness, happiness, luck, storytelling… It’s about storytelling that Gabriel García de Oro tells us about, he has been able to turn around this concept in his book Story Coaching published by RBA. García de Oro shows us the power that stories have. He states that all of us are made of stories, we explain the past in stories, we are explaining the here and now with stories and we project ourselves in the future by stories. García de Oro says thinks this is a marvelous thing because we can use the tools that scriptwriters, writers, storytellers in favour of our own story. Trying to detect the stories that work, and if we know why they work, we will be able to apply this technique to make our story work, the one that gets us closer to our goals, to our purpose, our intents.

This is not another book, our lives are our stories that unchain every day, every month, every year, and if we are able to shape them, we can try to guide the to the end that we most desire. A book with a different point of view, creative, with which you can work in personal growth like an approach to access the world, as we all have something to tell and our story matters.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 28 October 2021

I know I have told you a lot of times about anxiety. There are a lot of books about the brain, which is a great unknow. The books about the brain have always worked very well in the market considering that people want to know more about the brain, because everything we do and everything we are depends on. It is so powerful that it gets scary but at the same time it makes us feel a great curiosity.

It is because of this that “The Brain of Happy People” by Ferran Cases and Sara Teller, published by Grijalbo, is one of my favorite titles from de catalog of 2021. A non-fiction book, fresh, that combines the experiences of Ferran Cases, who has suffered from anxiety for fifteen years, and the scientific perspective of Sara Teller, physicist and specialist in neuroscience.

“The little book of anxiety”, by Ferran Cases, has already reached its four pocket edition. His online courses are helping a lot of people to overcome this feeling of fear, terror and restlessness that a lot of us feel almost every day. If you combine Ferran Cases’ experiences with anxiety attacks, with Sara Teller’s vision from a scientific perspective, we get an amazing result: a book with the necessary tools to forget about anxiety forever.

Who has never felt anxious? When understanding how the brain works, you get a SUPERPOWER: a better understanding of how you work to be able to defeat everything that causes you anxiety, as far as possible. Such a simple thing like reading this book and apply what it proposes to you, it allows you to overcome what undermines you from the inside and does not let you enjoy the day.

This anxiety, that I named it everyday anxiety, that all of us have felt some time in our day but we disregard until the ball is so big that it is not only capable of souring your day but also your life. Can we fight it? This book gives you the keys to do it.

A vision of two young talents that put at disposition to everyone their experience from the two sides of a weighing scale, the practice and the science, to be able to enjoy every minute of our lives  and we can be happy and stop having this stress sensation every day, of not be able to do everything, of not do the things wright; and in the majority of times, this sensation can transform in anxiety, and if you do not know how to stop it in a serious pathology.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 21 October 2021

I do not play chess, but I have always thought it is a game for intelligent people and it awakes my curiosity. My father tried to teach me how to play it when I was a kid, but I did not get hooked and now I regret it because it is a strategy game and, I see that strategy is basic in life. Therefore, when the young author Adriana Hernández Planillas showed me a book where she applied the chess techniques to life, I thought we had got it right we can be strategist of our life.

The chess board is a lucid representation of the game of life. There are achievements that need little and humble steps like the pawn’s; others need reliable and convinced steps like those of the queen. There are losses and setbacks but there are also changes in the strategy that makes us regain the control of the game, the power of our destiny, exactly like life. 64 squares of the board that offer un a vital lesson.

There is no need to be an expert to understand this book, it is simply a way to awake the strategist that all of us carry inside and it is probably asleep or off. If you put strategy in life, we are sure that the path can be bearable, neither easier nor more difficult, just more bearable, which is a lot given the society we are living. If we drive the rudder of life with strategy, everything flows better. Do you want to learn it?

After the great success of the Netflix series “The Queen’s Gambit” we think that a book like this is a tool for both, the fans of this game and the ones that are not fans, because it will open their mind to encourage them to play or at least, learn the moves that apply to our daily life and will help us understand when it is necessary to turn in this game of life that does not stop challenging every day. Having tools prepared for these challenges is a great weapon to achieve that our life is as we hope and desire it to be. So, without any more words, let’s go! Let the game continue!

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