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castellano: Planeta


Genre: Historic Novel
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages: 336

La venjança del bandoler is a novel that narrates the story of Josep Pujol i Barraca, Boquica, son of a humble family of traginers (carriers), that will become a famous bandit in Catalonia during the end of the XVIIIth century and the beginning of the XIXth, who will fight for his freedom and his people during the French War. And he does it from both sides, which will give him the nickname of Caragirat (Twisted-face). At first, he will fight against the Frenchs, then against the powerful men, Spanish and Catalan corrupts, that forsake the regular people that fight and die for their country, and finally, as a bandit, against both blocs. That turns him into a hated target aimed for all the factions in the conflict. A bounty hunter, a hunter of bandits, and an old friend of Boquica, is commissioned to capture him, in a chase that is also a story of betrayed friendship.

The novel allows us to get immersed in this period and to live how was life before and during the war: the life of the traginers, the black market and the contraband; the personal relations marked by the religion’s influence; the quotidian habits, the traditions, the superstitions, the witchcraft… The whole world in which Boquica lived and fought.

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