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catalán: Edebe
castellano: Edebe


Genre: Young Adult Novel
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages: 318

Edebé Prize for YA literature 2014.

We had travelled to a small village called Clayton so that my father could take the DNA evidence and find out if that woman, Aurora K., was “the mother of my father”. The biological one. I highlight the idea of”mother of my father” because for me that woman would never be my grandmother. My grandmother was someone else, someone I had known for all my life who organized massive card games with all my cousins, baked chicken pasties for my birthday, told wonderful tales about life in Turenia Spain) before the Civil War… No DNA proof would change this. I didn’t mind that her blood didn’t run through my veins, nor my grandfather’s or my cousins’s. They were my family. I would always be a Pekar. But I think I am getting lost in my thoughts… My father keeps telling me that stories have to be told from the very beginning. And this story is too extraordinary, so I will start again. From the beginning.

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