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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

THE ENDING: treacheries, ambition and love

Kira has become Queen of the Decians, a people that hates her. She is the Hydran foreigner who commands the waters, who has woken up the damned, and caused an civil war… She can’t trust anyone — not even her compatriot Ode, thirsty of power; nor Edan, the love of her life — not in a million years… Driven to despair, she turns to an old witch, the only one who might understand the nature of the Crystal Queen and the conspiracy that hovers over her destiny, much more terrible than she imagines.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

At the age of seventeen, all the young people of Hydra go through the ritual of the sea, but only a few — mostly women — turn into sirens and discover the gift of their new condition: clairvoyance, memory, compassion… The day Kira discovered her gift began with a bad dream… Yet, despite it, she didn’t forebode the way her life was about to change: from the fishermen's village to court, palace intrigues, power struggles between the fraternities, the war with Decia… And, in the middle of it all, Kira, the definitive weapon, the Crystal Queen, in conflict between love and treason to her people.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

At the age of seventeen, all the young people of Hydra go through the ritual of the sea, but only a few — mostly women — turn into sirens and discover the gift of their new condition: clairvoyance, memory, compassion… The day Kira discovered her gift began with a bad dream… Yet, despite it, she didn’t forebode the way her life was about to change: from the fishermen's village to court, palace intrigues, power struggles between the fraternities, the war with Decia… And, in the middle of it all, Kira, the definitive weapon, the Crystal Queen, in conflict between love and treason to her people.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Near the end of 1938, Manuel and his sick mother try to get away from the hunger, cold, and air raids that strike Barcelona. In their escape towards exile, they will have to go a long way facing all kinds of perils and hardships. Manuel, alone and at the limit of his physical resistance, will make it through thanks to the friendship and generosity of anonymous heroes who cross his way.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Edebé Prize for YA literature 2014.

We had travelled to a small village called Clayton so that my father could take the DNA evidence and find out if that woman, Aurora K., was “the mother of my father”. The biological one. I highlight the idea of”mother of my father” because for me that woman would never be my grandmother. My grandmother was someone else, someone I had known for all my life who organized massive card games with all my cousins, baked chicken pasties for my birthday, told wonderful tales about life in Turenia Spain) before the Civil War… No DNA proof would change this. I didn’t mind that her blood didn’t run through my veins, nor my grandfather’s or my cousins’s. They were my family. I would always be a Pekar. But I think I am getting lost in my thoughts… My father keeps telling me that stories have to be told from the very beginning. And this story is too extraordinary, so I will start again. From the beginning.

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