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Sandra Bruna Literary Agency

Stranger than love

Author: Sandra Bruna Monday 5 October 2020

Nemrod knows what it’s like to feel different, and not just because of his name. At school everyone ignores him or laughs at him. At home he spends his hours secluded in his room, a museum dedicated to his favorite series. When he finds out that a theme camp is organized in the summer, the Strange Camp, he will do everything possible to raise the money and live the adventures of his heroes. However, in the reproduction of Hawkins’ world, a much more important test awaits him than the fight against any monster.

– Can there be anything stranger than love? – asked Nemrod.

– Yes, there is something stranger than love -she said, half smiling-, but you may not be ready to find it yet.


Author: Bruno Friday 4 September 2020

Splendida lived happily ever after in her small house with her parents. Post war London wasn’t that fun to begin with, but when her parents went missing in an outer space mission, she had to endure living with her terrible aunt, who forced her to eat terrible vegetables while she got the good, juicy, meals. Her aunt would constantly threaten her with the great Giant of Vegetables. “He’ll come to get you if you don’t eat your greens!”, so when he came, Splendida was ready for adventure. Anywhere was better than that house.


Author: Bruno Tuesday 25 February 2020

During the weirdest summer of her life, Olimpia receives for her eighteenth birthday an old atlas full of footnotes on five ways to love that relate to each of the five continents:

The European Lover knows all about seduction and romance, but often builds relationships on a fantasy.

The American Lover experiences love as a success that must be shared with society, but it’s more effective as an outward show than in the close distance.

The African Lover is driven by closeness, the skin and passion, but lacks eagerness and jealousy.

The Asian Lover loves and cares in silence, from discretion and respect, but has trouble speaking the heart out.

The Oceanian Lover lets momentum take the lead and is unpredictable: might give you everything today and set off for an adventure tomorrow.

Encouraged by her best friend, Olimpia accepts the challenge of falling in love in every continent and find out where her heart belongs.


Author: Sandra Bruna Tuesday 1 October 2019

Una historia de amor y autoconocimiento ambientada en Japón.Dos días después de morir su mejor amiga, a causa de una larga enfermedad, Enzo recibe una caja que contiene varios libros, un Japan Rail Pass, un sobre con dinero y una carta manuscrita de ella, que le pide que cumpla por ambos el sueño tantas veces planeado: viajar en Japón por primavera, cuando las flores de cerezo se abren en las ramas.

Entre la tristeza y muchas dudas, Enzo decide finalmente volar hacia Tokio sin una fecha clara de retorno. Siguiendo la ruta diseñada por su amiga fallecida, su primera etapa será en un albergue cercano a Yoyogi Park. Allí conocerá a Izumi, una excéntrica japonesa afincada en Estados Unidos que se ha tomado un año sabático para conocer su país de origen.

Tras coincidir días más tarde en el tren bala a Kioto, acaban siendo compañeros de un viaje que, a medida que avanza, Enzo desearía que no terminara nunca. Sin embargo, Izumi guarda un secreto que tiñe de extraños silencios la relación entre ellos.

Mientras caminan juntos bajo los árboles de sakura, recorren los antiguos callejones de las geishas o se pierden por los templos lejanos en las montañas, Enzo siente que su amiga le ha brindado el regalo más bello que un ser humano pueda recibir: el milagro de volver a amar, aunque no pueda ser correspondido.


Author: Sandra Bruna Monday 6 May 2019

Mayra Broccoli is intelligent, curious and always inventing stories with which she astonishes her classmates. A strange illness forces her to stay in a hospital, but soon she will discover, with her friends from the Panceta Command, that this universe of corridors, rooms and basements hides an incredible secret.

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