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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 14 December 2017

This week’s blog post is special because, exceptionally, I’m not recommending any book, today I am asking you for a bit of charity. I’m very proud that one of the million ideas that run through  my mind, has finally come true, and today, November the 14th we are celebrating LA LITERATURA QUE ALIMENTA’s fifth birthday. An idea I had while watching Educos’s advert, one of their first when they were getting popular, and as I have always loved helping, I thought that from the agency we could all join forces and fusion literature and charity, the perfect union. This is how this campaign was born, and thanks to all of those who follow us, our authors, loyal to our proposal to collect money each year for this NGO which strives every day to assure no kid is left without a warm plate a day by getting them food.

This publishing world keeps growing everyday with more and more people joining us, as editors, book sellers, readers, designers, and they help us in making this dream grow, step by step, so that we are able to collect more money and so be able to help those who need it the most. I’m really happy to see we have come a long way and we are not tired, we haven’t surrendered, on the opposite, every time I look more forward to preparing this charity party, and although it is not easy to reunite people, prepare the meeting, the details, and to think about the event, illusion is on top of all of this and seeing the power of this little drop is really worthy it and really does make me happy. It really moves me when I see the unconditional support of my friends, those who belong to the editorial world and those who don’t, to become part of this team, who are trying to help these families who are unable to give their children a warm plate. Although it may seem impossible there are families living under these conditions because, even though we may think economic crisis is over, it is not, and we must take conscience that there is people that do need help.

Life, for me, makes no sense if we don’t give what we have to those we love, those who need it. And it would not make sense if I didn’t Thank those who have helped and supported this little idea, directly coming from my heart, to become true and to become a Literary Party and charity in this literary world. So this afternoon I’m hoping to see many of this year’s T-shirts so that this year we can help more than 400 children. Let’s color this day black and yellow, the colors of our literary charity, to get a new record, and make of 2018 a year full of books that feed souls, that will, for sure, make us be better. Literature not only feeds wit, wisdom and humor, but also gives those who need it the most. LET’S MAKE A TOAST WITH A SMILE ON OUR FACES.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 15 December 2016

Next week is special because Christmas holidays start. I know that there are people who are not convinced by this festivity, but I have always liked them, because in my family we have always celebrated them, and we continue to do so, with the same enthusiasm. They are days to be with your keen, to enjoy food and a good dessert. But also, it is also a good time to value what you have and think of people who, perhaps, cannot enjoy a family, or a meal, but neither at Christmas nor any day of the week.

For that reason, I am happy to be able to celebrate the fourth edition of LA LITERATURA ALIMENTA on December the 20th, a solidary celebration with the authors and friends of the sector who would like to come to combine literature and solidarity. Thinking about others, making happy the one next to you, offering a smile every morning to those who you love the most, or simply, to whom serves you coffee, does not cost anything, and however, it is still few of us, I believe, those who try to do it like that. And with this small solidary party, which thanks to many of you, it starts to be big, every year, we try to help an entity that needs it. This time we repeat with Educo, to help with lunch scholarships to the children that need it, so that they can have a hot meal per day, since they cannot have it in their homes.

It is an initiative that fills me, despite the extra work it involves, and that I will try to keep growing, because to do something that excites you without intending to receive anything in return, is one of the best ways to feel happy. And knowing that friends and colleagues help me and support me, make this day more special every time and remains forever as a great moment of the year, the icing on the cake. So today, this blog, recommends a better world full of books and good people, so that we can toast together on the 20th with a glass of wine in one hand, and in the other, a solidary mug, black and yellow, which are the colours of our literary flag. Would you like to join?

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