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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 25 May 2017

Throughout life you’ll meet many people and there will be a few that will stay in it and other people that will pass by it. You’d wish for some of them to stay, but they won’t do it. That always made me sad, and I said ‘made’, because after reading the books by Eva Sandoval, having had the great pleasure of meeting her and having been able to share many things with her, I’ve realized that my belief about friendship is mine, no one else’s, and I can’t and mustn’t force anyone to do something they don’t want to do. But it’s taken me a long time to get to this point (and I’ve still got a long path ahead of me) and I have to thank Eva’s books, as they help you perceive things from another perspective. Her first book ¿Y TU QUÉ CREES?, published by Urano (4 printings already!), helps you create the life you want by boosting your personal power. You learn to use the necessary tools to change your look on yourself, thus changing your viewpoint on what surrounds you. You discover the world of limiting beliefs and how to overcome them. ¿Y TÚ QUÉ CREES? wants us to be aware of the beliefs that limit your life and helps you find your own path to authenticity, wellbeing and fulfillment. Because when we change our mindset about ourselves, other people and life, then everything changes. And I assure you that it is like this, because I’m verifying that every day.

For this reason, I’m so happy to be able to share this new adventure, her second book, with Eva. Meeting her has been one of the best things that have happened to me this last year and, along with Pablo (a publisher that has believed in this book from the first moment and who, moreover, has always believed in me), we’ve shared already several successes together, and we’ll top them off with this new book. For sure. Both of them are great travel companions in this journey, and I hope that I can convince from here all of you who read us each Thursday to buy TU PODER NINJA, published by Ediciones B, which is already having an amazing start. In it, Eva conveys her coherent and always truthful message: trust, persevere, be flexible, and you’ll live how you want to. Acknowledging that the true master is inside you and training yourself in the art of life is one of the best advices that you can get from this book, where the author reflects on how martial arts have benefited her and how we can apply the ninja philosophy into our daily lives. Simple concepts, but powerful at the same time, that she shares with the reader so that people can learn how to connect with their inner wisdom and learn to get back the joy and happiness to live completely happy, always, no matter what, because to achieve that it’s only up to us.

This book is a gift to whomever receives it, because it’s entertaining, easy to read, and you can sense a smile in each page that will accompany you and open a door to a reality, unknown for most, but one that we all want to reach —even though we don’t know how to do it, because we’ve been programmed not to see it. TU PODER NINJA will open that door so only you can decide if you want to go through it. Thanks for sharing with all of us your values and for teaching us that dreams can come true.

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