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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Monday 23 January 2023

Books suffer when not read.

Jorge spends the night at the home of his grandparents, who will tell him an old legend related to his family and a book that was never read.

His grandfather entrusts him with the mission of searching for this specimen in the library he is going to hike with his class the next day. Along with a group of friends, he will go to the search for the book, unaware that it is a very dangerous object and that it will put the lives of his companions in grave danger.


Author: Bruno Thursday 15 December 2022

A novel that will be like a laughing epidemic.

For days, an epidemic of bursades in the ass frightened not only Santa Frumencia College, but the entire neighborhood. The case would not have been so serious and so complicated if Lixin had not been so discreet and polite. Or if Rita hadn’t been so timid. Or if Petunia hadn’t been so fachenda. Or if Ton wasn’t that beast…

Lucky that Ivet and his friends did not lose their ass and set out to find out the truth of the mysterious and terrible case of the abhorrent Pinchaculos.

A wave of bursades in her ass and a group of friends willing to stop her.


Author: Bruno Thursday 15 December 2022

Una novela que será como una epidemia de carcajadas.

Durante días, una epidemia de pinchazos en el culo atemorizó no solo el colegio Santa Frumencia, sino el barrio entero. El caso no habría llegado a ser tan grave y tan complicado si Lixin no hubiera sido tan discreta y educada. O si Rita no hubiera sido tan tímida. O si Petunia no hubiera sido tan fachenda. O si Ton no hubiera sido tan bestia…

Suerte que Ivet y sus amigas no perdieron el culo y se propusieron averiguar la verdad del misterioso y terrible caso del abominable Pinchaculos.

Una oleada de pinchazos en el culo y un grupo de amigas dispuestas a detenerla.


Author: Bruno Monday 7 November 2022

Nel is a small cloud born in mid-April. He will soon discover that plants, trees, rivers and humans need the water that Nel and the other clouds have stored in the belly. Soon Nel will go to school to learn how to rain, where he will be friends with the shaf, and he will also live adventures in the immensity of heaven, where he will meet Bela, a special cloud with whom he will share adventures around the world.


Author: Bruno Monday 7 November 2022

En Nel es una nube pequeña que nace a medio abril. Enseguida descubrirá que las plantas, los árboles, los ríos y los humanos necesitan el agua que en Nel y las otras nubes tienen almacenada en la panza. Bien pronto en Nel irá a la escuela para aprender a hacer llover, donde se hará amigo del Xaf, y también vivirá aventuras en la inmensidad del cielo, donde conocerá la Bala, una nubecita muy especial con quien compartirá aventuras en todo mundo.

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