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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Monday 13 March 2023

Virginia Gibert, a prosecutor in an examining magistrate’s court, feels that, at the age of thirty-something, life is slipping through her fingers. She has a job she is passionate about, a model husband, Diego… And no desire to be a mother, although she has not dared to tell him that. It’s not that they are in crisis, but she suspects that there must be something else in life.

After a night shift, when she gets home, she discovers Diego in bed with Fernando, their best friend. They are half-naked and appear to be asleep, but her husband is dead.

The judge on duty in charge of the investigation of the case is Mario Laredo, who was Virginia’s first boyfriend and who has returned to her life with the clear intention of recovering what they had.

A dead husband, a close friend as the main suspect, an ex-boyfriend in charge of the investigation and a prosecutor with personal interests in the case. Cross suspicions, hidden desires and forbidden loves in a disturbing criminal investigation plot.


Author: Bruno Wednesday 30 November 2022

«Life is what happens here and now».

A full book of reflections and Anne’s learnings Igartiburu for every day of #the any.viure is not a static thing. The life destroys and constructs with each breath, with each tictac, with each commence the day and each small gesture. Therefore, this book is an ideal partner at the quest of existing. Inside it, you’ll find 366 reflections that invite you at conscious being of who want to being at each moment, at being more near you same and at living more intensely the present. Anne Igartiburu, communicator for more of two decades, is one of the most loved television presenters of our country. During the last years she has exerted an impressive labor of divulging at the field of the emotional wellbeing, one of her big passions at which she has formed with some of the best professionals of distinct areas. Her meetings with experts at psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience or philosophy at his distinct canals of diffusion and at his Podcast My Beat of More have awarded him big recognition. At this book wants to share some of his more esteemed learnings fruit of this work.


Author: Bruno Tuesday 8 November 2022

Si la Luna condiciona las mareas, el clima moldea los rasgos del carácter y las estaciones se vinculan con diferentes estados de ánimo… ¿de qué manera los astros afectan a nuestra vida? 

La astrología es una disciplina con más de 4.000 años de historia conocida que investiga la influencia del cosmos sobre nosotros. Todos nacemos con una carta astral, un mapa que se puede leer como una poderosa herramienta que nos permite explorar quiénes somos, y también el ciclo que atravesamos. En estas páginas, Roberto L. Saula te ofrece las herramientas básicas para poder realizar la lectura de tu propia carta astral y encontrar en la astrología tu guía de orientación vital.


Author: Sandra Bruna Tuesday 22 March 2022

Get ready to receive wonderful blessings and attract miracles into your life.


Can you imagine if you could connect to the wifi of the Universe and ask it for everything you want? What would you ask for if you knew that your greatest desires would be granted? Many people believe that prosperity is mostly about material wealth. In this book full of magic and wisdom we will learn that true prosperity is a spiritual quality within the reach of any person and that it extends to all areas of life, not just external wealth.

Through seven keys, carefully unraveled by the author, and a series of very useful and powerful practical exercises, we will learn to raise our vibration, to eliminate all the obstacles that stand in our way and to become the truly prosperous and happy people we are called to be.


Author: Sandra Bruna Friday 28 January 2022

Amar lo que hacemos es el secreto para conseguir grandes logros en la vida, y para ello es necesario conocer cuál es nuestra pasión y nuestro genio. Y es que nadie es bueno en todo pero todo el mundo es genial haciendo algo, porque todos tenemos un don especial que nos hace únicos. Descubrir y potenciar ese algo especial es el propósito de este libro. Porque para desplegar todo tu talento y ofrecerlo al mundo, primero has de saber qué clase de genio eres. Es decir, debes conocer tu geniotipo.

Tras diez años investigando sobre el talento humano en colaboración con expertos de múltiples disciplinas, Tony Estruch presenta la revolucionaria teoría de los geniotipos, una herramienta de autoconocimiento llamada a marcar una nueva era en el mundo del desarrollo personal. Para encontrar nuestro geniotipo, debemos identificar nuestras aptitudes innatas, y este libro, con numerosos ejemplos prácticos, anécdotas y cuestionarios, nos ofrece todas las claves para lograrlo. Así, aprenderemos a desarrollar al máximo nuestras capacidades y no solo alcanzaremos con éxito nuestro propósito de vida en el plano personal y profesional, sino que también comprenderemos mejor a familiares, amigos y compañeros. Con un estilo sencillo, directo e inspirador, Tony Estruch nos revela que no necesitamos hacer nada especial para convertirnos en un genio; solo descubrir y alimentar lo que ya somos.

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