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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 11 February 2016

I’ve always been a fearful person, not very adventurous. When I was little I shared a bedroom with my sister and that made me feel safe, and even though I’m older, she’s always been braver than me in everything and she’s always known where she was going, she knew how to make me feel safe in those sleepless nights. My brother was also a scaredy-cat, like me, but our parents were always there to help, giving us the tools to handle those fears, first childhood fears and then, when we got to be older, they’ve kept trying, because fear never leaves, I think we just learn to deal with it; it develops with the person and it’s sometimes able to beat you, and sometimes not, but you have to keep going.

Everything is a cycle and there are stages, but for someone who’s nature is to be scared, it’s complicated to change, although it can be covered up and, if they teach you how to do it from your childhood, I’m sure that when you’re older you will face a lot of situations better than someone who hasn’t worked on this, because fear has a lot of shapes; not just monsters or terrifying things, I wish it would stay at that “childish” fear, but many of us are scared of facing a job interview, a complicated meeting, or a serious talk with a friend or even with your couple, because saying exactly what you think and creating “confrontation” isn’t easy either. Many of us flee from conflict, but sometimes it can only be solved if you face it.


That’s why Montse Domènech’s book, LA VACUNA CONTRA EL MIEDO, published by Plaza&Janes and Rosa dels vents is a perfect tool, because it explains a method that’s essential and practical, but simple at the same time, for parents to understand their child’s fears and to help deal with them. It has the solution to the most common fears and explores the emotional states children go through and how to coexist with them. LA VACUNA CONTRA EL MIEDO suggests games and stories to tell children before they go to sleep, so this guide becomes an authentic imaginary vaccine against children’s fear and brings a smile back to their face and gives them the very important, to me essential, tools for them to deal with other fears they’ll have to face in life.

Montse, a great professional and person, once again presents a method, like she did with her book A COMER that sold 20.000 copies around the world, and with which you can solve most of those daily problems that can disrupt the family life quite a lot. Fears may seem small, but for those who suffer them, they’re like mountains and having the help, which isn’t complicated, from the people they live with, is vital to be able to keep smiling, just like Montse tells us in this practical and interactive book for the entire family.

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