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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 10 February 2022

February starts, it is still winter, but I have always liked it, maybe because it is short, and it is always filled with literary novelties. Next week, one of the non-fiction books that I think can be a best-seller will arrive to the bookshops. GENIOTIPO by Tony Estruch.

The author says that everyone has a talent, a gift. Finding out what it is, we could focus our life on the direction we wish for and, therefore, enjoy a lot more what we do and how we do it. LOVING what you do is the secret to accomplish big achievements and for that, it is necessary knowing your passion and which type of genius you are, so you need to know your GENIOTIPO.

After ten years of research on human talent, in collaboration with experts from different disciplines, Tony Estruch presents the revolutionary theory of the GENIOTIPOS, a self-knowledge tool that will be the start of a new era in the personal development field, like ENEAGRAMA was on its day. Here, we take a step forward to develop what we have on the inside. To identify our GENIOTIPO, we need to identify our innate aptitudes, and this book offers us all the keys to discover it. With this, we will learn to develop our capacities to the maximum, and we will not only successfully achieve our purpose of life in the personal and professional fields, but also, we will comprehend better those around us, which I think is vital in this world we face after everything we have lived.

Tony Estruch reveals that we do not need to do especial things to be a genius, we only need to discover and feed what we already are. Our goal in life should be: BE HAPPY. Being passionate in what we dedicate our life, the things we do, our jobs, our hobbies, and the rest of activities that take a great part of our time, this is the key to be able to be happy. If you know your GENIOTIPO, you can open the door to that happiness that you long for and do not know how to find it. A practical and simple tool that opens a new world to us where we can only do well. I am a circle/triangle. How about you?


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 3 February 2022

After the controversy with the new Rigoberta Bandini’s song AY MAMÁ that unfortunately will not represent Spain in Eurovision, I would like to recommend this book that also demands equality for women, we have always had troubles asking for what we wanted, and we have always been givers because of the culture we come from, where women have always been at the service of men. It is complicated to erase this stigma and although we have evolved a lot, it is not sufficient. Women nowadays do a lot, but the politicians cover their faces with their hands because of a feminist song. So maybe we have evolved but our social environment has not.

We do not have to stay silent, and Silvia Bueso invites us to ask for whatever we want and whenever we want, either in the Laboral aspect, the familiar, the sentimental or the personal.

This book is for all audiences, mostly women, because it is a very useful tool to analyse us and think why we always put others petitions first and our petitions stay behind, in that drawer we call “I will do it another time”.

This nonfiction is the passport to the life we long for, an exciting journey to achieve your goals with exercises, questions that will make you think and stories of women, not only successful women, but all kinds of women, that will give you that impulse to make the step and achieve your goals, whichever they are. What do you ask for yourself this 2022? Speak, shout, do it.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 27 January 2022

I have always had problems with weight, and it hurts a lot. Not liking what you see in the reflection, not knowing what to wear, and see that all your friends or colleagues are thin and eat whatever they want (or at least it is what it seems like) makes you feel like the worst person in the world, whichever your age is. “I AM FAT” is what your little head keeps telling you day and night.

This week, the book that I am presenting by two authors, Anna Sibel and Beatriz Campos, titled THE EMOTIONAL OVERWEIGHT, makes me very happy because it is a very useful tool to stop worrying about this issue that determines the life of so many people. All of us who have felt it this way know that it is a constant fight against the scales and what that entail emotionally. Here is where Anna and Bea give us the key. How do you feel? How are you? These are the questions that you must solve before knowing what to eat and what not to eat.

Obviously, feeding is basic to lose weight; there is no need to mislead ourselves: eating a donut every day will not make us thinner, but sometimes the mind and emotions are almost more important than eating a donut. Also, if I may add, we should not worry just about our weight, being in a healthy weight is also important. I learn this when I decided to have an operation to reduce weight because my overweight was out of control. It was one of the toughest decisions in my life. However, if I had had a tool like this book maybe I could have lost weight listening to my body, with the help not only of nutritionists, but also a psychologist. It is the case for the two people that wrote this book: they do not show us one of those miraculous method that end up not helping, but they give you essential guidelines, so your emotions do not affect your feeding.

This is the secret: maintain the balance; everyone has bad days, for different reasons, and now more than ever with this pandemic that does not let us breath, and the feelings of sadness, nerves, apathy, make that or internal chip goes out of control and most times bring us to comfort ourselves with eating like there is no tomorrow. So, to arrange ourselves, mark our priorities to be able to feel ok again, with both body and mind, is the first step to achieve your goal. In this easy and motivational book, you have the key that will help you put your body ready and achieve health and your goal to get rid of that annoying overweight that makes you lose your smile. It is a highly recommendable lecture in every moment of the year but specially during January, like a personal purpose even more.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 20 January 2022

This week the Blog is about the new publication of Sebastià Bennassar, The CHEETAHS’ SMILE, published in Catalan by the publishing house ALREVÉS, which has always been very secure of this line of the author.

It pains me not having the Spanish version because I think it is a very adequate novel with all the ingredients to work in the countries in which this genre is the king. That’s why I encourage even the editors from outside the country to read it in Catalan because they will not lose their time. Mafias, drugs, and violence in a novel that the readers asked after the success of THE EMPIRE OF THE LIONS.

January 2022. Catalunya in the middle of a cold wave, Pascal Neige must find out who has killed Michel Aubriot, one of the last survivors of the Lyonnaise mafia that his father run and now he does with her sisters and lover. At the same time, he must control that all of those who cultivate marijuana in the country pay their fee. Pascal is going to live a crazy week if he wants to keep the smile of the cheetahs.

After The land of twilight, Where the grass never grows and The empire of the lions (the later winner of the Valencia Negra prize as the best Catalan novel), Sebastià Bennasar comes back to the collection «» and offers a new story of the Neige family and its criminal gang. An addictive, violent, sexual novel that mixes with efficiency the brutality of the series like Gangs of London with the best literary tradition of the noir genre in our country.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 13 January 2022

Second week of the year and first one of normality. Everything starts again, kids go back to school and set those weekly routines that orchestrate life to the families. It is difficult come back after holidays and almost all of us start this year with a list of resolutions for this year. Although I have decided to not do it and let it flow, I have witnessed different conversations between my friends about that repetitive list that year after year it is almost the same one: lose weight, quit smoking, finding the perfect man, go to the gym at least two times a week. This is the list that people tell each other but there are the personal ones with ambitious or personal goals that we often mix up with unachievable wishes, but we should put them as goals as well. Why not?

That is why, the book that I would like to suggest this week is a tool to get to know ourselves better. I believe that it is vital to look inside of us to know what we really want, how we are, and in what moment we are. With THE CUBE’S GAME, by Mayde Molina and Amir Zare, we will be able to see the canvas of our lives. Through the journey of a young Shiraz, where she will meet a wise sufi who will guide her to some other place and will reveal her the secrets of the inside world, we will be able to trace our own journey. Can an ancestral game reveal to us how we are against life? It can, and not only it will help the lead of the book but also you, as a reader among her, you will discover your inside world and the map that you will draw with this game, you will be able to take control of your destiny. Aren’t you curious about what route this 2022 has in store for you?

I did it and it came out the perfect portrait of my actual state and my goals. An ideal tool to start the year with a roadmap that will help us achieve those external and internal lists that everyone does to follow what we most desire.

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