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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Sandra Bruna Tuesday 19 June 2018

Luna has discovered a rare and valuable piece of pottery from Ancient Greece, a Lekythos. Through it, Luna contacts with an incorporeal she’ll call Omega, who doesn’t remember how he died. With the help of Yago and Grandma Luz, Luna will have to move to the spectral polis in order to solve the mystery around Omega and get him to finally rest in peace.


Author: Sandra Bruna Tuesday 22 May 2018

In a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire to call to mind, lives a very tall, lanky child, with a broad forehead, who shares with his sister his great passion: reading.

This child, named Alonso, is a little shy, has no friends, and his favorite toys are books.

When he grows up he wants to be a knight, and in his games he becomes one. His cat is his squire, and the broom is a skinny but brave horse. He just lacked the lady … his sister!


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 21 March 2018

Lara and Wilde meet on Twitter, he has a profile that reveals nothing of himself, and contacts her by proposing the “game” of knowing each other while maintaining the mystery of his true identity.

After several months chatting and knowing each other, they began to feel something for each other, so they decided to meet in person. The date goes well, Lara feels comfortable and meet Gerard, the boy who hides behind Wilde, she likes his personality.

However, in parallel, the police are investigating the suicide of Lara’s ex-boyfriend. The death of Jordi seems to be directly related to the date between Wilde and Lara, the problem is that nothing is what it seems, and the secrets that social networks allow you to hide makes it difficult to really know anyone.

Love can arise from Twitter, danger and death too.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 18 January 2018

Hace poco le salvé la vida a un tío. Dicho así, ya sé que suena un poco fuerte. Pero es verdad. A veces la verdad es fuerte. El tío al que le salvé la vida tiene dos años más que yo y me cae fatal. Bueno, puede que desde lo que pasó me caiga un poco mejor, pero solo un poco. En realidad no lo sé. No sería su amigo por nada del mundo. Seguro que os estáis preguntando qué pasó, qué hice. Igual me imagináis como un héroe. Alguien que va por ahí salvando vidas o salvando mundos. O que lleva capa y una «S» muy grande en la camiseta. No os rayéis. Soy un tío como todos, pero más raro. Creo que si no fuera raro las cosas habrían sido distintas. De aquella madrugada apenas tengo recuerdos nítidos. Todo fue cuestión de tres o cuatro segundos. Apenas tuve tiempo de pensar, pero sí de formularme una pregunta horrible: «¿Y si no hago nada?».


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 20 December 2017

Laura, a 16 years old teenager, leaves for a weekend away with Killian, the boy she fancies. Even though she is a little bit scared, they spend the night together in an abandoned camping. But the following day the boy has disappeared, and Laura soon finds out certain strange things: unidentified footsteps, copper wires which appear and disappear, messages that suggest her to run away from there…

Laura is about to experience a week full of adventures, that keep getting more dangerous, until she is able to unsolve the mystery she has been involved in and win the monster that is surrounding her, that is closer than what she thought.

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