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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency

Los primeros mil días (The First Thousand Days)

Author: Bruno Monday 11 March 2024

A thousand days to shape the health of a lifetime! A guide to pregnancy and the baby’s first steps!

From conception to the second anniversary of the baby opens, these thousand days are a critical period to build health for today and tomorrow, because all organs and tissues of the baby’s body are formed. How we manage health in this time window will be expressed in the future in the form of a healthy life, or in the appearance of certain difficulties that could affect long-term well-being.

We therefore have a great opportunity to lay the foundations for the future of our children. In small baby steps, these pages give you the keys to everything that we can apply during pregnancy and parenting and that will bring benefits for a lifetime, such:

Eating a balanced diet.

Forging a secure bond and attachment.

Avoiding exposure to toxics.

Connecting with nature.

In your hands is practicing a lifestyle that builds health in your family.

Divina mente (Divine Mind)

Author: Bruno Monday 11 March 2024

An optimistic view of self-esteem to live a full, joyful and free life

Divina Mente is a guide for learning to work the «holistic self-esteem», that is, the love of oneself from body, mind and soul, as well as optimism. These two vital attitudes are fundamental to live consciously and fully, and Vilma Montoliu will teach us to master them so that they form part of our life naturally and without effort. The intention is to learn to lead a conscious lifestyle that plays in our favor.

The work is divided into two parts, two steps at the end of which the reader will feel that he has acquired the knowledge he needs by staying motivated and curious all the way and thus reach make a positive change in his way of life.

The goal of this book is to awaken the innate power that we all carry within us through tools, practices and ways of thinking that strengthen self-esteem and optimism to feel empowered and able to make decisions from a perspective of freedom.

A work with great practical spirit, full of advice, exercises, and with a fresh, young and close to the reader.

La Bruja Que Perdió La Magia (The Witch Who Lost Magic)

Author: Bruno Monday 11 March 2024

Sol is the most popular witch thanks to her incantations, which she uses constantly to cover all her shortcomings. However, when an accident causes her to lose her ability to do magic, she shall face the harsh reality.

Sol is an extraordinary witch whose magic has vanished beside her broom. In her quest to regain what makes her unique, she will embark on a magical and exciting journey, but what if the secret of her power is in an unexpected place?

Perhaps, like the protagonist of this story, you too have lost the vital tool that makes you shine and feel disconnected from your own magic. Whether you’re looking to rediscover your essence or find your lost voice in a world of challenges, this captivating tale invites you to explore the power that lies within you.

Accompany Sol on his journey through the enchanted forest, a journey full of learning and self-discovery. Find beside it the path to the true source of power that resides in each of us. Do you dare to discover your own magic?

El problema de ser demasiado bueno (The Problem of Being Too Kind)

Author: Bruno Thursday 7 March 2024

A psychology manual for those who confuse being a good person with ceasing to be oneself, not generating any conflict, not disobeying or always fulfilling the expectations of others.

The world is full of good people, it’s just that some people learn to be so good and obedient, so perfect and ideal that they suffer horrors when they don’t succeed. They remain good boys and girls even though their years are weighing them down. Their biggest worry is that they feel unable to stop being good, to disobey or to generate conflicts. They are overwhelmed by not meeting other people’s expectations and become anxious for fear of being rejected. These people practice “bad kindness”, a chain of behaviours based on obedience and behaving well for fear, deep down, of the disapproval of others.

El botiquín de la bruja

Author: Bruno Tuesday 6 February 2024

After “Manual de Magia Moderna” and “Magia Lunar”, Keylah Missen offers us a manual of natural magic with potions, spells and rituals with plants. Folklore, legends and plants are magical. Witches, healers, shamans and priestesses use them to prepare their remedies, potions and rituals. Plants – with their linked souls and spirits – are complete organisms that are part of that whole in which we are included and, therefore, we are interconnected with them. Although modern medicine and its medicines come from the synthesized properties of plants, these are not pigeonholed into a single capacity, but have a complementary character capable of helping us in multiple situations, as a holistic whole. For this reason, this book is not a botanical dissertation, nor does it dive fully into the world of phytotherapy, but invites us to work from intuition and interconnection with common plants that most of us know, inviting us to explore our habitat and the vegetation of our personal universe.

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