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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Monday 27 February 2023

In the middle of the 14th century, Barcelona still suffers the aftermath of the great plague. During this period of uncertainty and power vacuum, a group of women combats the implementation of Roman law, an important retreat from the laws that governed their ancestors.
L’Alexia, daughter of a merchant; la Ròmia, slave; la Genebre, nun of Sant Pere de Puel·les; la Caterina, apprentice painter; la Llorença, widow of a glassmaker; la Marta, weaver, and la Sança, capellera, will join together to raise another Barcelona where it is possible to light a new fire that will once again light the city. Many, anchored in a world that ends, will want to turn it off.
Meanwhile, Alexia’s brother Narcissus, a disciple of the painter Ferrer Bassa, will try to find meaning in his artistic concerns. He and Catherine will found the House of Obradors, a project aimed at putting into value new initiatives based on each other’s abilities. Everyone will have a place and can be both an apprentice and a teacher.
Fire lights, but also burns and leaves ashes. Ash contains the memory of what it has been and, if it falls into good shelter, it can be a seed of the future.
The legacy of the ashes is an exciting and inspiring story of fighting, of women able to show us that the essentials are indestructible.


Author: Bruno Monday 27 February 2023



Óscar tiene muy claro que le gustan los chicos, pero solo habla del tema con su ex. No se siente a gusto en clase, sobre todo despues de lo que ha pasado con su mejor amigo. Al día siguiente de ser expulsado del instituto, decide descargarse una aplicación para conocer gente.

Con David descubrirá una intimidad electrizante y un ambiente donde por fin podrá ser el mismo, pero su incapacidad para gestionar las emociones le jugará malas pasadas. Cuando parece que nada podría ir peor, se topa con una banda de ultras que lo marcarán para siempre.

“De la misma forma que si metes harina y levadura en el horno te sale pan, cuando mezclas maricones y neonazis en un callejón oscuro tienes paliza asegurada”.


Author: Bruno Thursday 23 February 2023

My purposes for this summer: To finish the career of Architecture with a note, done. Be less intense, undone. To sign a traineeship in the top studio in Madrid, done. Visit my grandmother more, undone. Having real friends who want me despite my stripes, done. Drinking less every week, undone Get my Belgian boyfriend willing to leave everything for me, done. If they give you the opportunity to show your talent and impress someone you admire so much, what would be more unforgivable: not throwing yourself into the air or doing so with all the consequences? What did not even fit into my crazy dreams was that my interest in Marco could be reciprocal, and that it would become a attraction that would test us and submerge us in the best summer of our lives. One marked by new experiences, lies that change everything and, above all, by an exciting tug-of-war that is taking us to the edge.


Author: Bruno Thursday 23 February 2023

In the Charterhouse of Escaladei a secret is hidden.

Some want to uncover it. Others will shed blood for it.

A gripping historical thriller full of atmosphere, mystery and conspiracies.

Montsant, 2019. The appearance of the corpse of Jaume Folch, patriarch of a wine dynasty in the vicinity of the Charterhouse of Escaladei, puts the forces of order on alert. The victim’s throat had been slit and a symbol engraved with a knife on his chest. The notoriety of the surname and the cruelty shown in the murder demand a quick and discreet investigation, which is assigned to the inspector of the Mossos d’Esquadra Víctor Sanz Gimeno.

Sagi, the nickname by which everyone knows the policeman, along with the young journalist who discovers the body and who always seems to be one step ahead, will not only uncover the rivalries of the deceased’s family, but also a legend about a secret brotherhood that dates back to the 15th century.


Author: Bruno Tuesday 24 January 2023

Blood for blood: the forest doesn’t get out. A creepy horror novel with supernatural dyes that will catch you to the end. With 70 years to come, Hamlet, the famous serial killer, spends his days in the dark dream of re-painting the bullying scenes that worry the police.

Twenty years ago, he was imprisoned in a maximum security prison, but in spite of this, a new body has appeared with his unmistakable signature in the quiet and remote Cain Valley.

The tragic event has awakened the Slicer, a devilish and bloodthirsty being who, in popular belief, lived only in old legends. So far… the Slicer and his entourage have come to the call of blood and claim their domains in the woods with their particular signature: cut arms and legs.

Hamlet and the oldest woman in the place are the only people who can help the police unravel the case.

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