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catalán: La Butxaca
catalán: Edicions 62


Genre: Historic Novel
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages: 311

Year 1533. In the small town of Arnes, surrounded by the imposing beauty of the forests and mountains of Tortosa and Beseit, with the river Ebro at the background, Maria, a strong and brave young woman, gives birth to her first daughter, Luna.

Immensely happy, the grandmother Magdalena, an expert midwife and hard defender of the beneficial powers of nature, wants to welcome her granddaughter with an old prayer full of energy and knowledge. But she does it with fateful negligence: the old priest has listened to her words and is determined to do whatever is possible to destroy such heresy.

On growing up, Luna will be taught about the power of the nature elements by Maria and a mysterious text, the Book of Essences, a compendium of all magic and natural knowledge that has been passed from generation to generation throughout the centuries. Now, however, mother and daughter and all their antique wisdom are at risk. Fanaticism and incomprehension are all around the region and the accusations of witchcraft get close to the village.

As honourable heirs of their lineage, Luna and Maria are entitled to protect this secret book and give continuity to the chain, no matter if in their escape to Barcelona they take the risk to end burnt at the stake.

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