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Rights sold
Afrikaans: Planeta
Catalán: La Butxaca
Castellano: Booket
Portugués (Portugal): Edições ASA
Rumano: Polirom
Estoniano: Rahva
Polaco: Empik


Genre: Social critism
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages: 312

Winner of the Prudenci Bertrana Award 2010

Under his dark coloured turban he is conducting the morning prayer at the mosque. Everybody respects him and listens to him with attention, even though his voice sounds thin and his body is small. He is a good Muslim, generous and upright. What his friends and neighbours do not know is that under this turban there is not a young man with good influences, as they all believe, but a girl who trembles every time a Taliban approaches her, afraid that her secret will be unveiled.

El secreto de mi turbante tells the real story of Nadia Ghulam, an Afghan girl that deceived and defied the Taliban Regime. After two years hospitalised due to the wounds produced by a bomb during the civil war, Nadia meets a new order that forbids women to get a job. To help her family, she is forced to make a radical decision: to pretend being a man during ten years. An impressive real story.


  1. Regina says:

    Interested in this book. Does the book available in English version?

  2. Hi Sandra,
    I am looking for the English translation of your book but cannot find any. Is there an existing English version? If it doesn’t exist yet, it should! We all want to read it and be inspired by Nadia’s story.
    Thank you.

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