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castellano: Edebe


Genre: Science Fiction / Fantasy
Topic: Young
Number of pages: 361

In the forest, alonside a mountain village, the Fatanimal lives, a misterious creature that chases children. The Fatnaimal´s night is the night in which children go inside the forest to face their fears.

Matias, Simon´s son, who was one of the first children that proved his courage in the forest, goes on holidays to his father´s villlage. Simon seems a happy man , though it would be really happy if he didn´t consider his soon weird. Matias speaks alone or people believe so… Because Matias can speak to animals and plants actually.

Dived in the village everyday life, Matias will come to know its inhabiants… though not only them but the Fatanimal as well. What will happen when Matias finds the Fatanimal?

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