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castellano: Espasa Calpe


Genre: Historic Novel
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages: 340

Paris, 1623. Secret letters. Missing jewellery. A cryptic code. A queen and a court painter.

Camogli, Italia, 2010. Ann Carrington, history teacher in the United States, sees how her holidays end abruptly when finds out about the death of professor Scopetta, with whom she had an appointment. He was supposed to show her unseen letters written by Maria de Médici and unveil a secret. But who is behind this murder? What interests are hidden behind the investigation that her colleague was carrying out? Will Ann Carrington be able to continue the professor’s research and decipher the code that Rubens used to communicate with the queen Maria de Médici?

Lorenzo de Médici, direct descendant of the legendary Italian family of the Médici, captivates the readers with a novel full of interesting historical details and attractive characters in which relates one the most unknown episodes of his illustrious ancestors.

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