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castellano: Gadir


Genre: Short stories
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages: 137

After the acclaimed debut of Iolanda Batallé with her first novel La memòria de les formigues, arrives her expected new book, El límit exacte dels nostres cossos, a compilation of short and intense stories, like an orgasm or like life.

A girl who has sexual fantasies with the Lebanese clerk of the grocery store; a boy who loves tomatoes because he loves Mary, the girl with the red hair; a woman who reads to a giant man; a lame man who waits for the arrival of another lame to buy a pair of shoes to share… These are stories about unusual characters that talk about us, our own lives and, above all, the lives we would like to live.

“Today I saw the land of flowers. It is not here nor there, it is everywhere. You only need to look”.

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