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alemán: Baumhaus
catalán: Cruïlla
portugués: Planeta Portugal
castellano: Ediciones SM


Genre: Science Fiction / Fantasy
Topic: Young
Number of pages: 448

 A girl named Bel (Belinda), sixteen years old, comes back home after some time. She watches what is going on there. Everything has changed. Her room is tidy. Her mother has left work and she is really slim. Her father doesn’t make breakfast as always, when he came from work (he is a policeman and has the night shift) and her dog growls every time she approaches. When she enters her parents room and fins her mother bag she discovers what has happened: she is death. In her mother bag she finds her own death notice.

From now on, Bel journey is a journey to find the truth. She doesn’t remember what happened. Her parents talk about an accident. Her best friend, Amanda, talks about suicide. She just remembers that the afternoon she died, she was at a funfair with her boyfriend and her friend. They got on a roller coaster and there they found Amanda’s boyfriend. After that, she was dead and her boyfriend in coma.

Bel wants to know the truth. This is why she follows everyone she knows, specially Amanda, in order to know what happened. But it won’t be until she finds Alma, a medium, when she will get to the truth. A truth that maybe would be better not to know, because it only leads to one thing: revenge.

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