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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 20 April 2017

Sant Jordi’s Day is around the corner one more year, and I can’t stop saying how special it is for anyone who works in this business. A public holiday for readers, and a hard day of work for the publishing sector. At the same time, however, it’s a time for festivities and contained feelings, for you want everything to go smoothly and for each person to buy books they truly enjoy. A day when everything seems extraordinary and books, usually more invisible during the year, are the main event, the KINGS of a wonderful festivity where the communion between reader and author is complete. I don’t have the right words to express what we feel that day when one -or more! – book from the agency appears in the bestsellers lists. It’s an explosion of happiness and joy that you feel for the author, who has worked so hard and deserves the acknowledgement that they long for so much; for the public; for the publisher, who has launched it and has bet blindly for a title that is now succeeding; for the bookseller, who has recommended it… It’s such a long chain, all filled with people who has collaborated to make it possible that, when it works, the feeling you get is one of relief, calmness and unrivalled excitement. It’s an award to the effort and the work well done of an author and of all the others who have supported it.

However, for me, the most important thing on this day is that people feel excited when sharing a book with someone they love and that, with the help of one another, we try for great literature to reach the readers. I’m sure that many of these books, gifted with love, change the lives of whomever gets them. New readers are nurtured and become long lasting ones. Let’s live an intense April 23rd, full of wonderful feelings, and let’s manage for books to accompany us the rest of the year as well. As we always say in the agency, books are the best travel companions in this journey that we call life, because they always add up, even if it’s something very small and simple. We’re convinced that there’s a book for every reader, and a reader for every book, the exciting part is to strengthen that union that, most of us, can’t live without. Reading is life and life without reading is way poorer, and it’s not difficult to enrich it with good stories that will surely fulfill us.

Happy year of the book and let’s celebrate April 23rd next year with all the readings that have come along for the ride on this 201/2018 and that have shaped us into better people.

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