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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

In the forest, alonside a mountain village, the Fatanimal lives, a misterious creature that chases children. The Fatnaimal´s night is the night in which children go inside the forest to face their fears.

Matias, Simon´s son, who was one of the first children that proved his courage in the forest, goes on holidays to his father´s villlage. Simon seems a happy man , though it would be really happy if he didn´t consider his soon weird. Matias speaks alone or people believe so… Because Matias can speak to animals and plants actually.

Dived in the village everyday life, Matias will come to know its inhabiants… though not only them but the Fatanimal as well. What will happen when Matias finds the Fatanimal?


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

 A girl named Bel (Belinda), sixteen years old, comes back home after some time. She watches what is going on there. Everything has changed. Her room is tidy. Her mother has left work and she is really slim. Her father doesn’t make breakfast as always, when he came from work (he is a policeman and has the night shift) and her dog growls every time she approaches. When she enters her parents room and fins her mother bag she discovers what has happened: she is death. In her mother bag she finds her own death notice.

From now on, Bel journey is a journey to find the truth. She doesn’t remember what happened. Her parents talk about an accident. Her best friend, Amanda, talks about suicide. She just remembers that the afternoon she died, she was at a funfair with her boyfriend and her friend. They got on a roller coaster and there they found Amanda’s boyfriend. After that, she was dead and her boyfriend in coma.

Bel wants to know the truth. This is why she follows everyone she knows, specially Amanda, in order to know what happened. But it won’t be until she finds Alma, a medium, when she will get to the truth. A truth that maybe would be better not to know, because it only leads to one thing: revenge.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Alex is fifteen and has a dark past of abuse, due to his living with a foster family that has turn him into a sullen, lonely guy. But everything changes when he accidentally comes into contact with a group of youths who are entering the subtle magic, a discipline commanded by the enigmatic Mr. Zero.

The names of the four disciples coincide on its first syllable with the four cardinal Noelia, Susana, Esteban and Oe, this alst one of Japanese origin. They are positioned at each corner of the hall of initiation, in the center where Mr. Zero exercises his mental powers and challenges them constantly.

Alex's fascination for this secret school and especially by the beautiful and eccentric Noelia will take him to apply for membership. To be accepted, however, he must pass tests in the strange outside world to prove himself worthy of receiving the gift of magic.

The once shy boy finds himself performing dangerous experiments, including in the home of his adoptive family, which begins to become aware of his powers. The four cardinal wizards have become also the best friends he has ever had. And it seems that Noelia will correspond soon.

But after the rites of initiation, Landau (Alex's new name at the discipline) must pass a final ordeal where he will face his former colleagues. Threatened from the north, south, east and west, will take a deadly race to a terrible secret that is much closer than anyone could suppose…


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

Every 144 years twelve chosen teenagers are born in the world to carry out an important mission. But before, they should become friends, receive support and discover their talent.

Since he discovered his prodigious skill, Lure's life has changed forever. And not for good, since the evil Mahgul overtook him as he learned. Luckily, this time his friends get to save him, but the Arcanus must find the Plunged Library to free Lure of the dangers that lurk him.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

En un mundo completamente devastado por el cambio climático, donde casi todos los animales se han extinguido, las temperaturas han subido varios grados y los polos se derritieron hace años, nacen Eilne y Nie, dos mellizos, últimos representantes del odiado Clan de las Dos Lunas. Para librarles del peligro de estar en el punto de mira del mediocre dictador que gobierna el mundo, Rea, su madre, envía a los dos hermanos al pasado, con la encomienda de que a los doce años emprendan la misión para la que han nacido: fundar una ciudad que otorgue esperanza a un mundo que hace años que desconoce el sentido de esta palabra. Aunque la aventura, por supuesto, no será fácil. Por el camino encontrarán una fortaleza fundada en medio de un mar helado, un puñado de soldados sin conciencia y un joven experto en ordenadores dispuesto a todo por recuperar a la persona que más le importa del mundo.

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