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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Thursday 23 February 2023

Gaspar Hernandez’s most personal book This is my most personal book. A narrative set that has the radio as its truss. In part, a radio memoir, from an early announcer: I started at the age of nine, when my father, an electrician, set up a home broadcaster. Thanks to the radio, I overcame my shyness. Since then, for more than forty years, I have spoken almost every day before the microphone. I wanted to pay tribute to the radio and the spoken voice, at a time when podcasts are once again playing a leading role. Maybe we’re looking in the voice for an authenticity that doesn’t have the image, or the telematic encounters. Perhaps the voice is the true mirror of the soul.

Francesca de Barcelona

Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 16 June 2022


An extraordinary woman who wants to be a surgeon, an impossible love, an insatiable struggle. An enlightening story of the Barcelona of the 14th century.

Barcelona, 1382. Francesca is a fifteen year old Christian girl who helps her grandmother Bonanada to work as a midwife. Her aunt teaches her the secrets of the trade and introduces her to the mastery of the remedial plants, but she does not have enough, and although she lives in a very humble environment, she has the firm determination to become a doctor and a surgeon. There is only one problem: this is a career reserved for men and making a place for herself is almost a folly.

Thanks to her job as a caregiver, she often visits the Call. There she will meet Astruc, a young boy from a group of doctors who wants to study medicine. They both agree to share their knowledge: Francesca will teach him everything she knows about plants and he will give her access to his books. But medicine is not her only passion: Francesca is in love with Martí, her childhood friend, and with this love she will start her adult life, an exciting life full of obstacles, love, betrayals and passions.

Based on a true story and with an absolutely enlightening narrative, Laia Perearnau masterfully takes us to the Barcelona of the 14th century, when illnesses were rife, and makes us vibrate with the life of an extraordinary woman, full of determination, who fought tirelessly against the limits imposed on the women of her time.


Author: Sandra Bruna Friday 13 May 2022

Can a love letter change a life or stop a war?

Would you wait for those words until the end of your days?

Madrid, 1936. Aurora has just come of age and works as a nurse in a troubled city that resists the fire and bombs of the war. In this times of violence, she decides to contribute in the Republican front and begins to write letter to a young soldier, Teófilo, thus becoming – like many other women of the time – a war godmother.

In each letter, the young men will find a refuge in which to express the fears and secrets they cannot say aloud while discovering a love they never imagined. However, in a war full of intrigue and espionage, where everyone is a suspect, the written word can be the most dangerous weapon…

When years later, isolated in the silence of the postwar period, Teófilo finds out that Aurora is still alive, he does not hesitate to try to find again the person who, amidst the fire and gunpowder, made love, calm and peace blossom in him.

This story is a tribute to all those women who took the word as a rifle and managed to grow in the line of fire the strength and hope of the soldiers.


Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 20 April 2022

A novel about the anonymous heroines who fought in Girona during the Napoleonic siege.

The novel is based on the Treaty of Fontainebleau, in which Spain and France agreed that they would unite to conquer together Portugal and, once achieved, they divided it up. But to think that Napoleon would pass through the peninsula without trying to conquer it was naive. The city of the four rivers was the victim of a great tragedy that caused thousands of deaths and the destruction of a large part of the city. The novel speaks of the unknown but decisive role that the women played in the defense and recovery of the city, and how they organized themselves heroically in what was called “The Barbarians”, very recognizable because they wore a red ribbon tied on their arm, as red as blood, and because, fiercely, they fought nonstop to defend their home.




Author: Sandra Bruna Friday 28 January 2022

Una fascinante novela histórica que desvela los secretos de la triaca: un remedio natural capaz de curar cualquier enfermedad.

En el siglo xv, el mundo está cambiando, pero la medicina se encuentra estancada en la vieja fórmula de la triaca establecida en la Antigüedad clásica. Sin embargo, siempre hay hombres y mujeres en busca de nuevas maneras de curar el cuerpo y el alma, que ensayan fórmulas alquímicas para conseguir la piedra filosofal o el elixir de la vida eterna. A menudo pasan por dementes o hechiceros, y Magí Surroca es uno de ellos. Por su parte, Beatriu, una joven rebelde y arisca, intenta con grandes dificultades salirse de esta estigmatización. Solo la fuerza del amor y la amistad y la entrega absoluta a un ideal le permitirán alcanzar una vida auténtica, de libertad y plenitud.

Dos destinos marcados por la osadía de oponerse al poder y a los valores de una época. Una lucha cargada de esperanza, poética, vital y científica al mismo tiempo en una apasionante novela que preludia el instante en el que el ser humano empezaba a ser la medida de todas las cosas.

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