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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Friday 3 July 2020

The easiest thing would have been to make a book about Miquel Montoro and about how his “Hòstia, pilotes!” has made him a leading media figure. But we like challenges, and ours has been to try to go further and ask ourselves if Miquel Montoro can be the symbol of a vital change, if the values he defends – consumption of local products, paying fair prices to farmers, valuing their work and authenticity – can be applied today. Sociologists, writers, university professors, farmers and journalists reflect on what the Miquel Montoro phenomenon has meant and whether it is possible to live off the land today.


Author: Bruno Wednesday 3 June 2020

It is impossible to calculate the exact extent of the Coronavirus crisis on our economy, health and way of life from now on. All we know is that we are going out into a different world than the one we have known, and that does not necessarily have to be bad.

To live this new era full of challenges, 20 teachers give us, each from his or her field, a survival kit to live proactively, optimistically and without fear.

With the participation of Álex Rovira – Andrés Martín Asuero – Antoni Bolinches – Eduard Estivill – Ferran Ramon-Cortés – Francesc Torralba – Gaspar Hernández – Jenny Moix – Joan Antoni Melé – Joan Garriga – Manu Guix – Marian Rojas – Rafael Santandreu – Rosa Casafont – Salvador Macip – Sergi Torres – Silvia Adela Kohan – Sonia Fernández-Vidal – Víctor Amela and Xavier Guix


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 13 October 2016

In search of messages (almost) perfect

Journalist and Professor Alfred Picó, after years of research and experience in communication, said first 100 ideas to improve our communication (personal and professional).

How to write an effective email? Why WhatsApp causes many misunderstandings? How should companies communicate? And the institutions? Compose a text to Facebook and Twitter? As news becomes negative positive? We can improve our communication sentimental? Can you introduce yourself in 60 seconds? What journalistic techniques we can apply to our daily lives?

The book is rigorous, innovative, unprecedented and highly topical. Because people and businesses we communicate. No communication are as invisible as vulnerable. But we need to communicate effectively and success. This book has only one purpose: to help you.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 7 May 2015

What makes Tyrion Lannister the most charismatic and beloved character of HBO’s Game of Thrones?

Usually called “the Imp” or “the Halfman”, he is one of the most intelligent and less conformist characters of George R.R. Martin’s saga, and his eloquence and mental alertness makes up for his low height. He does not feel inhibited to say what he thinks or to do what he wants, and he always faces whomever he considers without feeling daunted by them.

Being a dwarf, a non-desired son of a powerful man, a brother of two almost perfect twins, Tyrion has always been fighting to find his place in a cruel world that wants to leave him apart. He is the perfect example of what resilience is. Charm, polite, keen and cunning, he can be cruel with his enemies, but also empathize with those who are alienated and abused. This book condenses Tyrion’s way of life through his bigger life mottos. It is a summary of sharpness with great dose of sarcasm that will delight Tyrion’s fans.


Author: Wednesday 29 October 2014

The goal is to be able to consider sex and share it with everyone shamelessly and with smiley eyes (hey, world, I like sex!), as a complete and satisfactory side of existence: sex does not only creates life  — I exist thanks to my parents’ having sex, and I will talk with them about that as soon as possible — , but it also charges us with positive energy. Don't you believe it yet? As we were saying… so soon as you are able to declare openly “I like sex”, you will like yourself more too. Isn’t that quite something?

Sexy, provocative and useful for everyone, the essential book to enjoy the sexual happiness in the 21st century.   

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