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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency

Los primeros mil días (The First Thousand Days)

Author: Bruno Monday 11 March 2024

A thousand days to shape the health of a lifetime! A guide to pregnancy and the baby’s first steps!

From conception to the second anniversary of the baby opens, these thousand days are a critical period to build health for today and tomorrow, because all organs and tissues of the baby’s body are formed. How we manage health in this time window will be expressed in the future in the form of a healthy life, or in the appearance of certain difficulties that could affect long-term well-being.

We therefore have a great opportunity to lay the foundations for the future of our children. In small baby steps, these pages give you the keys to everything that we can apply during pregnancy and parenting and that will bring benefits for a lifetime, such:

Eating a balanced diet.

Forging a secure bond and attachment.

Avoiding exposure to toxics.

Connecting with nature.

In your hands is practicing a lifestyle that builds health in your family.

To Feel

Author: Bruno Wednesday 30 August 2023

A trip to learn and accompany your emotions to reach deeper and more meaningful bonds.

Most of us haven’t been taught emotional education, neither we have received the resources to know what to do with how we feel. Nevertheless, we have to accompany the emotions of our children, family or friends. How can we achieve it, if we don’t even know how to manage ours?

This book is a trip through the senses to understand why is it so hard to receive and canalize assertively what we feel, in special those emotions blocked inside us.

When we learn how to manage our own feelings, it will be much easier to accompany others without any fear, living a more conscious and fulfilling life.

La mayoría de nosotros no hemos recibido ni educación emocional, ni herramientas o recursos para saber qué hacer con el que sentimos. Aun así, nos toca acompañar las emociones de nuestros niños, familiares o amigos. ¿Cómo lo podemos conseguir si ni siquiera sabemos qué hacer con las nuestras?

Míriam Tirado, consultora de crianza consciente y periodista especializada en maternidad, paternidad y crianza, nos propone hacer un viaje a través del sentir para comprender por qué nos cuesta tanto acoger y canalizar de una manera asertiva lo que sentimos, sobre todo aquellas emociones que han quedado bloqueadas dentro nuestro y que necesitan ser liberadas. Cuando aprendamos qué hacer con nuestras emociones, nos será mucho más fácil acompañar las de los otros, ya sean las de nuestros niños, alumnos, pareja, etc. Cuando aprendamos a sentir sin miedo, nos daremos cuenta que no había nada a temer y podremos vivir una vida más llena, feliz y consciente.

Un libro entendedor, práctico y lleno de herramientas y recursos para ayudarte a vivir mejor tus emociones y acompañar también las de los otros.


Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 17 February 2022

By the author of Tantrums. Miriam Tirado is one of the main referents in the field of upbringing and conscient education and she dedicates her new book to one of the most important aspects, and as we know, more complicated for mothers and fathers: the limits, those red lines that protect the integrity of the little ones and allow them to share their life with others. How can conscient limits and agreed norms that provide structure and security for our children be sustained? How to avoid falling in the authoritarianism and arbitrariness or on the contrary in a lack of limits that lead the kids to be scared, insecurity or searching for validation at all costs? With the generosity that characterise her, Miriam Tirado shares her own doubts, learnings, challenges, and achievements in the way to loved and responsible limits. A deeply personal work that with empathy and humour accompanies us in the exploration of our own relationship with limits so that we are capable, with the help of various exercises and tools, to bring the children a coherent containment.


Author: Bruno Tuesday 25 February 2020

Every parent has to face them sometimes. They are the famous tantrums, capable of upsetting even the most conscientious and respectful mother or father. Tantrums bring out the worst in parents. This book is not intended to give lessons on how to stop tantrums. Rather, it allows us to view tantrums as a great opportunity for personal learning. From her own process as a mother of two daughters and being a professional in conscientious parenting, Miriam Tirado accompanies readers so that they can educate their children from another, more serene, considerate and pain-free place.


Author: Sandra Bruna Tuesday 26 April 2016

In the pages of this book, parents will discover what the first and wonderful days and months of their baby’s life are like, the most decisive period of parenting. The object of the authors is to scan the quick physical, emotional and intellectual changes of the little one, even though all those changes will also affect the adults, both individually and as a couple.

With this purpose, they’ve added the doctor’s and psychologist’s experiences in the Estivill Clinic to the opinions of international experts in pediatrics, psychology, teaching, neurology and many other scientific fields. In all, a practical and very clear guide that shows the steps of an extraordinary trip with realism and excitement.

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