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Teresa Roig (Igualada, 1975) collaborates in publications from a young age and has won several literary awards for her short stories. After working in the audiovisual sector, he currently writes. She is the author of the 2007 historical novels The Heredity of Horst Alisis, the 7th Heaven Award for best narrative work of the year and the Pa with chocolate (Alisis, 2008), where she demonstrated her ability to intertwin historical suspense with human stories and close by. With The First Day of Our Lives (Proa, 2010, Premi RocBoronat) he deepened the portrait of the fragile human condition and consecrated as a new voice of the literary landscape in Catalan. Lola Pons’s blog was his first foray into the comedy genre. With the dream architect, we go into the exciting history of the Milan house.


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